Try Dive

A typical Try Dive involves poolside tuition on diving techniques and equipment, followed by a scuba dive in a swimming pool with a BSAC-qualified instructor to make sure you get maximum enjoyment from your first scuba dive. A Try Dive can help you save time and money by finding out in advance if you like diving. Before your Try Dive you will be asked to read and complete a medical form.

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Discovery Diver

This course is a subset of the BSAC Ocean Diver course. If you’re short on time but really want to become a diver, Discovery Diver might be right for you. Discovery Diver might be the right choice for you, particularly if you expect to go scuba diving primarily with a dive guide. This course is an intermediate step for earning an Ocean Diver qualification if that’s your ultimate goal. BSAC’s Discovery Diver course is open to anyone from the age of 10.

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Ocean Diver

If you’re keen to learn to dive, the BSAC’s Ocean Diver course is the place to start. This entry-level open water diver qualification will equip you with the core skills to dive to a maximum of 20 meters in open water. The BSAC Ocean Diver course is open to anyone from the age of 12.

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Advanced Ocean Diver

Advanced Ocean Diver sits between Ocean Diver and Sports Diver and is open to qualified BSAC Ocean Divers (or an equivalent other agency grade) who would like to progress their maximum diving depth to 30m. You will develop your existing Ocean Diver knowledge to support deeper diving. To enroll on the Advanced Ocean Diver, you must have successfully completed the BSAC Ocean Diver course. It is also open to those who have an equivalent certification from another recognized diver training agency and have completed Nitrox training. You must also be aged 14 or over to be able to progress to depths up to 30m.

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Sport Diver

If you want to do more with your diving, the Sports Diver qualification gives you the freedom to explore. Being a Sports Diver allows most people to do all the diving they want. As an Advanced Ocean Diver, you’ve already progressed to 30m and opened up a wealth of exciting underwater adventures. Moving to Sports Diver will broaden your experience in a variety of challenging open-water conditions and learn essential techniques to prepare you for diving to a maximum of 40m.

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Dive Leader

This course is perfect for BSAC members who want to take a more active role in their dive centers or become an Open Water Instructor. Dive Leaders are key members of their BSAC centers who are able to lead inexperienced and experienced divers to gain new experiences. They are also able to organize dives and have the skills to deal with situations where something unexpected may have occurred. To enroll on a Dive Leader course you must have successfully completed a Sports Diver course, other agency equivalent and have a nitrox qualification. You must also be aged 14 years or older. Sports Divers aged between 12 and 14 can complete the elements of Dive Leader training that do not require diving deeper than 20m.

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Advanced Diver

Advanced Diver training is essential for Dive Leaders who want to organize diving to places they’ve not been before, or Open Water Instructors who want to become Advanced Instructors. To enroll on an Advanced Diver course you must have already successfully completed a BSAC Dive Leader course (or have equivalent certification from another recognized training agency) and you must be at least 14 years old.

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First Class Diver

The highest diver grade First Class Diver is a challenging award to attain. It takes significant dedication, experience and training to get there – but the view from the top is worth it. There are many reasons why divers want to achieve First Class Diver success, the main one often being the pure personal achievement of earning your place at the very top of the BSAC diving community. You will have demonstrated to BSAC’s most experienced instructors that you can lead safe but challenging national and international diving expeditions. Also, if you want to progress from Advanced Instructor to National Instructor you will need to be a First Class Diver.
To enroll in First Class Diver training you must have successfully completed an Advanced Diver course. You will also need to have completed 100 dives in a range of conditions since qualifying, at least 20 of which must show experience of diving to depths greater than 30m.

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Instructor Foundation Course (IFC) – Assistant Instructor

The two-day IFC introduces a qualified diver to the essential elements of both theory and practical diving instruction. To enroll on the IFC you must have already successfully completed a BSAC Sport Diver course (or have equivalent certification from another recognized training agency). You must also be at least 16 years old.

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Open Water Instructor Course (OWIC)

To enroll on the OWIC you must have already successfully completed IFC, theory instructor exam (TIE) and practical instructor exam (PIE).

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Advanced Instructor

On the Advanced Instructor Course, you will go sea diving from boats. Advanced Instructors learn to teach the advanced skills a diver needs to drive boats, manage dives, find wrecks, use charts, carry out underwater surveys, and run projects. 

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Dive Instructor Trainer

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National Instructor

If you are passionate about the future of BSAC training and want to make a contribution to our worldwide diving organization at the highest level you may want to take your instructing skills further by becoming a BSAC National Instructor, the fourth of BSAC’s instructor levels. National Instructor Exam candidates should already be active Instructor Trainers, having worked on Instructor Foundation CoursesOpen Water Instructor Courses, attended an Instructor Trainer Development Course and examined on Practical Instructor Exams and Theory Instructor Exams.
You will have to demonstrate the highest level of theory knowledge, organizational and personal diving skills and be an excellent teacher and Instructor Trainer, above and below the water, being a leader and team player in turn. To enroll you must be an Advanced Instructor, a BSAC First Class Diver, be an Instructor Trainer and you must have a Pass or Merit grade in the First Class Diver theory exam, gained within the past three years.

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Diving For All (DFA) Program

The BSAC DfA Program seeks to promote scuba diving to people with disabilities and provide divers, clubs and centers with the knowledge and skills to ensure that diving is safe for all BSAC members.

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