If you qualified with PADI, SSI, SDI or another agency, perhaps you’ve been anticipating getting back into the water and you’re not sure where to start? If that’s you, you’re in the right place. The great thing about being already qualified (as well as hopefully having a passion for the sport already) is that it is easy to crossover to BSAC. Other agency qualifications are recognized (PADI, SSI, SDI etc.) and no further training is necessary unless you’d like to progress with more advanced diver training.

If you would like to further your training with a more advanced scuba certification, your diver grade is recognized so you can progress to the next higher BSAC grade (no need to retrain, you can simply progress).

  • Have a PADI Open Water certificate?   This qualification is similar to: BSAC Ocean Diver
  • Have a PADI Advanced Open Water certification?   This qualification is similar to: BSAC Advanced Ocean Diver
  • Have a PADI Rescue certificate?  This qualification is similar to: BSAC Sport Diver 
  • Have a PADI Dive Master certificate?   This qualification is similar to BSAC Dive Leader
  • Have a PADI Snorkel Guide certificate?  This qualification is similar to BSAC Snorkel Dive Manager 

What about instructor crossover and progression?

Instructors will have to take a crossover course if they would like to start teaching BSAC courses. BSAC welcomes instructors from all agencies to join and crossover, and even progress their instructor grades beyond Open Water Instructor to Advanced Instructor and National Instructor.

For more information about crossover to BSAC, please contact us on +201010122548